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<option value="/rentals/sea-star-308">Sea Star 308</option>
<option value="/rentals/sea-ya-v">Sea Ya-V</option>
<option value="/rentals/seashell-cove-51-bermuda-landing">Seashell Cove - 51 Bermuda Landing</option>
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<option value="/rentals/seven-seas-7-bermuda-landing">Seven Seas - 7 Bermuda Landing</option>
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<option value="/rentals/shorely-blessed">Shorely Blessed</option>
<option value="/rentals/shores-bliss">Shore's Bliss</option>
<option value="/rentals/sol-seaker">SOL SEAker</option>
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<option value="/rentals/surf-condos-123">Surf Condos 123</option>
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<option value="/rentals/surf-condos-223">Surf Condos 223</option>
<option value="/rentals/surf-condos-318">Surf Condos 318</option>
<option value="/rentals/surf-condos-414-dolphins-drift">Surf Condos 414 - Dolphins Drift</option>
<option value="/rentals/surf-condos-417-saltwater-serenity">Surf Condos 417 - Saltwater Serenity</option>
<option value="/rentals/surf-station-510">Surf Station 510</option>
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<option value="/rentals/tan-n-sand">Tan-N-Sand</option>
<option value="/rentals/the-choice">The Choice</option>
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<option value="/rentals/the-cottage-the-roost">The Cottage & The Roost</option>
<option value="/rentals/the-hi-sea">The Hi-Sea</option>
<option value="/rentals/the-oceanfront-beach-house">THE Oceanfront Beach House</option>
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<option value="/rentals/topsail-dunes-3407-isle-of-palm-trees">Topsail Dunes 3407 - Isle of Palm Trees</option>
<option value="/rentals/topsail-dunes-3409-vitos-place">Topsail Dunes 3409 - Vito's Place</option>
<option value="/rentals/topsail-reef-202">Topsail Reef 202</option>
<option value="/rentals/topsail-reef-252">Topsail Reef 252</option>
<option value="/rentals/topsail-reef-358-dream2b">Topsail Reef 358 - Dream2B</option>
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<h1 class="property-name">SOL SEAker</h1>
<div class="property-info">
<span class="property-info-item"><strong>Address:</strong> 1420 S Shore Drive</span>
<span class="property-info-item"><strong>City:</strong> Surf City</span>
<span class="property-info-item"><strong>Type:</strong> House</span>
<span class="property-info-item"><strong>Location:</strong> Oceanfront</span>
<span class="property-info-item info-icon"><i class="fa fa-bath" aria-hidden="true"></i> 4 Baths</span>
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<span class="property-info-item"><strong>Bedrooms:</strong> 4</span>
<span class="property-info-item info-icon"><i class="fa fa-bed" aria-hidden="true"></i>
6 Queen, 2 Twin Beds
<span class="property-info-item info-icon"><i class="fa fa-users" aria-hidden="true"></i> Sleeps 14</span>
<span class="property-info-item info-icon"><i class="fa fa-paw" aria-hidden="true"></i> No</span>
<span class="property-info-item info-icon"><i class="fa fa-car" aria-hidden="true"></i> 4</span>
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<p class="h3">NEW for 2025!</p>
<p><h3 style="text-align: center;"><span style="color: #333399;">2025’s Freshest Getaways: Be The First To Relax!</span></h3></p>
<small><i>Offer expires 06/01/2025 and you must book your vacation between 01/01/2025 and 12/31/2025.</i></small>
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<div id="descBlock" class="desc-block" >Welcome to SOL SEAker – Your Sun-Sational Oceanfront Escape! SOL SEAker invites you to escape to the serene beauty of Surf City’s coastline. Located just 1.4 miles south of the Surf City high-rise bridge, this thoughtfully designed two-level home boasts 70 feet of uninterrupted Atlantic views, offering a front-row seat to stunning sunrises, playful dolphins, and endless beach days. With four bedrooms and four bathrooms, this home comfortably accommodates up to 14 guests.<br><br>The heart of the home is its bright and airy open-concept living space, where oversized windows flood the room with natural light and showcase breathtaking ocean vistas. Cozy reclining sofas and a loveseat surround a flat-screen TV mounted above an electric fireplace, perfect for year-round ambiance. The dining area, bar seating, and outdoor picnic table provide plenty of room to enjoy meals together, while the fully equipped kitchen ensures you have everything needed to prepare delicious dishes.<br><br>Step outside to the expansive oceanfront deck, designed for all-day enjoyment. Whether you’re basking in the sun or lounging in the shade of the covered areas, this is the perfect place to unwind and take in the sights and sounds of the sea. <br>The top floor features an oceanfront master suite with a Flat-Screen TV, private bathroom, and oceanfront deck access. This level is also home to two additional bedrooms, both with Queen beds and Flat-Screen TVs. Two shared bathrooms finish off this floor; one is located in the hall and the other at the top of the stairs. A full-sized stackable washer and dryer are tucked away behind the bifold door in the hall for convenient access. <br><br>The ground floor offers a spacious sitting area as well as the final bedroom with two queen beds, a built-in Twin bunk alcove, and a flat-screen TV. This space is ideal for families! The sitting area is complete with a pub table, regulation foosball table, and access to the final full bathroom. You can easily access the parking area from this floor as well. <br><br>Last, but certainly not least, the garage has been transformed into a spacious game room with a ping pong table and sitting area. This bonus space is perfect for friendly competition and unwinding after a long day at the beach.<br>Located in the heart of Topsail Island, SOL SEAker is close to local attractions like the Karen Beasley Sea Turtle Hospital, the Surf City Pier, and charming shops and restaurants. With direct beach access, you can easily spend your days surfing, shell hunting, or simply relaxing by the shore.<br><br>This pet-free and smoke-free property ensures a pristine and comfortable environment for your stay. SOL SEAker is more than just a beach house – it’s a place where the sun, sea, and sand come together to rejuvenate your soul. Book your stay today and experience the magic for yourself!<br><br>• Sorry, but NO PETS are allowed at this property.<br><br>• No Smoking is allowed inside this property.<br><br>• Please refer to our Rentals FAQ page for useful information about our rentals!<br><br>• Linens (Sheets and Towels) ARE Included with Lewis Realty reservations!!<br><br>A Full house linen package will include Sheets for all advertised beds, 1 towel set per occupancy, bathmats for each full bath, and a set of Kitchen Towels with a sponge.<br><br>See our Available Rental Items page for a complete list of rentable items to add to your reservation!<br><br>• Use the “Get My Quote” Menu to view pricing and minimum stay requirements throughout the year. <br><br>• No pesky Security Deposits! All reservations will be required to have an Accidental Damage Protection Waiver. The cost of this waiver is included in the listed required reservation fees.<br><br>• This property offers PointCentral Keyless Access for a speedy check-in. Check-in instructions will be emailed to the reservation holder.</div>
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